Because you asked: the Decalogue to save
Cirze Tinajero
the global economy is currently going through a difficult period of instability, which affects us all so much families to think seriously before making a purchase whether to implement, with the aim that, at the end of the month, the accounts add up.
There are many ways to cope with the crisis. Then, because you asked us a few tips to reduce costs and tips to maintain employment. DECALOGUE
starting to do a thorough analysis of our costs, and separate them into three groups: 1) essential, 2) necessary but neglected, 3) superfluous. In this way we eliminate the group three possible delay in the two, and manage a group.
One of the best ways to reduce costs is to create budgets for all household expenses, whether in food, entertainment, transportation, etc. Making a budget can be aware of where the money is spent, and eliminate unnecessary whims. Delete
debts. If you have loans, begin by liquidated. At present it is advisable to keep credit cards, they should be used only for emergencies, not luxuries. The situation is difficult and our money should not be of direct interest to pay.
At the time of going to the supermarket, it is recommended before making a shopping list of what is truly needed, and adhere strictly to buy whatever it is, and do not buy on impulse or something that we want. It is also advisable not to go with children, and check up and down the shelves, usually the most expensive things are clear and the cheaper your secret.
If you need the phone and address of any trade, try not to call the [UTF-8?]  € œnà º grouper [UTF-8?] Information nâ €. Use the yellow pages or on the web page.
Avoid eating out every day. If you can bring food from home, the better.
When using the washing machine, choose programs with cold water and use it with the total load.
To reduce expenditure on electricity is advisable to replace the bulbs for energy saving light bulbs. Although more expensive than normal, eventually it is more convenient. So as not to leave appliances on stand by, and take care not to leave the lights on. Today
can get magazines, music, movies and books online for free in a lawful manner, so there is no reason to spend in our entertainment.
have to stay healthy. Diseases cost money, both to pay the consultation and medicines, so it is advisable to lose weight, exercise, turn down the cigarette and alcohol consumption. This, in addition to preventing hospital costs, eliminate the cost of cigarettes, drinks, etc.
For these tips to be successful it is advisable to discuss it with the whole family, so that your partner and your children to understand. It is undeniable that the crisis is affecting us, but how are you able practice save money and better spending slump.
DECALOGUE to maintain employment
continually strives to improve your professional training to keep you updated on your work area.
Introduce your new project managers to streamline your work.
Be punctual, do your work without distractions. Do not focus on personal matters during work.
Keep a positive attitude.
is desirable that there is warmth in your work, because otherwise the work environment becomes a torment and productivity decreases.
Discover your strengths. Please be aware that you possess certain skills that are likely to not only help you in the present exercise of your activity, but may even differentiate into another job that you may choose.
Know your boss and the company, and always stay aligned with your goals. Hence the importance of the employee read and understand the mission and vision of the company, to be an active part of the success of it. Become
visible. At the time of a cut companies always retain key talent, both because of the difficulty of replacing it, for the cost of retraining a new member, so get to work and walks your creativity.
As an employee it is important that you evaluate your performance and think how much you bring to the company. If your contribution is limited to follow instructions, you should try to be more productive.
Try to have a happy private life. Personal problems affect your professional performance.
Remember that this crisis will not last forever. We must have a positive attitude and be aware of the situation to live with her in a less complicated.
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