Saturday, August 16, 2008

Newton's 3 Laws Examples In Apallo 13


• Avoid your child spend as much time on the computer.

· Be sure not to send his picture, a number of credit card or personal information (name, address, Phone numbers, etc.) to anyone without having discussed with you first.

· Learn about computers and the Internet for you to enjoy the environment with their children.

your child at all times accompanied when they're online and monitor the sites and areas to visit.

· Make sure your child feels comfortable asking questions about their experiences and activities online.

Do not allow to enter chat rooms (via text chat rooms) unless it came with the supervision of a adult.

· Make sure you never respond to electronic messages or bulletin board messages that are obscene, aggressive, provocative or uncomfortable, and encourage them to report if someone writes something that makes you feel worried or uncomfortable.

· Do notify you if you find pictures or drawings nasty Internet.

• Talk with your child about what you most want online.

Help her to find a balance between computing and other activities.

· Let them know not to believe the ads, offers of gifts or freebies.

· Be sure not to make an appointment to see someone personally who met online without discuss this with you first and make sure that if the meeting takes place, whether in a public place.

· Do know the "online friends" of his son as well as it does with the school.

• Talk of the rules and get your child becomes a commitment to comply.

• Remember that there is specialized software to block certain things you do not consider appropriate for their child. There is even software that generates a log of sites visited by the young for parents to visit and learn.

· Most important:

Remember that computers and the Internet should not replace parents in the education of their children.


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