Monday, March 29, 2010

How Much Does A Eagle Cost

Color ... Benefit

Hello friends! I know I'm super lost. Many things, personal issues and the issue of the Avon I have a little busy, but here we are. I have yet many things on my pc I have to get on the blog that I'm missing some products I've purchased and want to share, etc. But I want to inform denuevo I'll start soon with a new blog and this will be exclusively for Avon products. Pienda as possible to dedicate this blog to be a business for me, a way to make some money on the side of course is needed and I would like you to also support the other blog with comments and that I do not think that shop because I think I can only sell to girls who are in the United States but if I like that I read there too and also benefit from the information so use these cosmetics or not. I'm not entirely abandon this blog, there are still things I want to show here but my participation here will be much less than before. But as I mentioned the other blog will have information about cosmetics and looks I'll only use a specific brand and you can do what I do but what they have on hand. When you have the First post on another blog I will tell you to go to see this ...

Well now let's talk Springtime is here at last! It is time to remove all the shadows, liners and colors that we wear and we hold to give you the chance to neutral colors for Fall and Winter. Now came the fun and to experiment with more crazy, vivid looks. For girls who maybe do not like to use vibrant colors that can start small, perhaps with a purple eyeliner, or blue or verdecito and leave everything else or use a neutral lip color with a little more color and let otherwise very simple and well. Here I will show to incorporate color as the face step by step to get the Spring ...

Ok, this is of course before, there is nothing on here ...

I'll start with the eyebrows and a little bronzer or highlighter. Eyebrows am going to make it very simple and filled with a brown eyebrow pencil and lightly stuffed where they are needed most tip, the pen that I used is from Wet n 'Wild, and brings two points with one color and another with a wax that holds brows in order, very good idea! It cost me about $ 3-something. The sunscreen I used was in MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Triple Fusion and is quite bright, be careful with, because it seems to frost, but I really liked Pa'lante! I put it on the cheek and eyelid ...

Note that painted eyebrows are so natural super and makes me look younger which is another plus! .. .

next thing I did was use a vibrant pink lipstick, this is Wet n 'Wild in 511B, but not because I forgot to shoot a photo. You can leave it there and vibrating lips or just use as I will follow me ...

I'm going for the eyes and I use a liner with a vivid color, this is Wet n 'Wild in Sky Blue, very nice, it cost me only $ .99 .. .

I'm going to apply only on the bottom line of the eye, I just want to give some color to your eyes ...

Then I'll take a black eyeliner, this is my Benefit Bad Gal see that as almost the expiring lol and I'm going to put in the tear or line water ...

Now eyes are sharper and more vibrant blue ...

We will end with a bit of blush, just a little because we have enough color on the face and mask. NYX blush is in Paradise and the mask is the LashBlast ...

and finish the look! Guess what? ...

I hope this look is to your liking, you can do everything, or use only one, lips or eyes, and I hope you leave me your cuddling. Bye ...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Does The Stator Do In A Generator

Bestsellers Beauty To Go ...

Hello friends! Well, as you may have noticed the chat box next to it no longer. I cut it momentarily to see how I can make communication more secure by it. As some friends here could see walks a crazy loose and came to put my blog and not get out. He kept saying vulgarity and nonsense girl without a job and since neither you nor I went here for us to walk or hear vulgarities offending of one party decided to stop him to see how I can make this box more monitored, then as I say that. Any questions you have can be made by me a comment if you wish.

Another thing, the girl that I was selling Avon Avon convinced me to sell well. The truth is that I do not know how to do this, I've never sold anything and I have no wood to convince anyone to buy me something and charging much less walk, but I'm going to try to see how it goes. I have several ideas in mind, maybe make a separate blog with tutorials and reviews of Avon products to accompany my Avon web store, I do not want to do something different. What I like about Avon is that it gives the opportunity for housewives and mothers or women with disabilities like me (I have problems on the hands and arms) to make a little money on the side, not much depending on what you sell, but it's something, also Avon has a campaign to help victims of domestic violence that many of you know that was my case and that many of the injuries you see in my photos and disability were due to this. Many girls think that Avon products are of poor quality and not worth it and maybe a blog can serve to see if any product served as pharmacy only more economical. But good after I keep telling you about all this.

Well now if you we came lol! I want to show this little cuteness that I found at Sephora and still have for those interested. Go To Benefit Is Beauty Bestsellers $ 10! It is one of the most beautiful box with four deluxe samples (samples) of the products sold in this very popular cosmetic brand. It is a wonderful way to test certain products to a minimum and thus know if its true worth buy it. I wish every brand of cosmetics at Sephora do something well for one make better deciciones when buying as cosmetics in this store are very cheap to say. Well let's see what brought this cute little box ...

Comparing my hands to the box can see that the products are very little, is just a test for a while, I would say that if you use daily would last about 7 to 10 days, some perhaps even more, but $ 10 I'm not complaining! ...

Some Kind-A Gorgeous- is a unique product, like a base but not a base since it is a universal color for all skin tones. You're supposed to face quite naturally perfect ...

Look how you see the color on my fingers, looks super white but massaging any skin type disappears and leaves your skin feeling like dust, too soft, but the covering is minimal would be good for girls who need very little makeup ...

"That Gal" Brightening Face Primer- A first perfecting a bit more skin before applying the base. It almost seems like the first I have of coming out pink Rimmel and gives a little tone pink skin ...

PosieTint-ink Rosadita A cake for the face that you can apply on the cheeks and lips ...

HighBeam-pearl Face Illuminator and the reason I bought the kit ...

The ink comes with a brush and you have to work quickly because it dries super fast ...

Illuminator comes with a sponge applicator similar to that of the glosses and a wonder of illuminating ...

Here are the swatches of the products ...

In conclusion, all products are divine, in this case I'm buying the regular size HighBeam because I loved it, is super versatile, you can wear under your brows, inner corners of the eyes, the peaks of the lips, cheeks, mixed with the base, mixed into your moisturizer, like a shadow, in short as you want to use, then maybe buy the PosieTint. Ok folks thats all for now, hope to hear from you on this post, which tell me what you think and you know that I appreciate very much your support ...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Driv Parts Snowblower

Doll Eyes (Big Eyes) ... My last compritas

Hello friends! Hope you're well and here I am a little lost, with many things up but since I have a little time I dedicate to your blog. Well you had promised them big-eyed look using the technique of white eyeliner in the waterline or tear. Many girls have asked me tips on how to make eyes look bigger and I always say wait for the tutorial, and well ... here it is! Let's start ...

After having perfected the face as I could, based, powder, concealer, ect, I'm going to apply matte white shadow on the eyelid, this is optional, I just want to give more light to the eyes and make them look more awake ...

Then I'll take a black eyeliner pencil, you can use liquid if you want, and I'll do a line a little thicker on the top line of the eye, can it is fine if you like, I will not extend the eyeliner, I will not make a cat look ...

Then I'll take a white eyeliner or color meat if you and I'm going to apply to the water line or tear, I will make enough for them to appreciate in the photos, but you can put just a little if you want, it's good that the pencil is creamy ...

So it is becoming ...

Then we denuevo black eyeliner and do not apply under the white liner but very slightly, do not want a line as dark as the one above, just want to give some shadow .. .

I will blend with cotton wool to remove excess and leaving only a shadow ...

So it is becoming ...

eye Now the wrist is going to give me the mask that I will apply in the upper and lower lashes ...

So ... you have to apply too much mascara, you look need not be as dramatic as this if you want ...

was so ...

Then we apply blush pink to warm the tender cheeks and make them look ...

I wore a pink lipstick and smudge with your fingers to make it look like ink, I removed all the excess and looks like an ink mate ...

The look almost finished ...

With a little above the lip gloss ... I finished !!!...

Now all my hair and go! ...

Amigas I hope you like the look, I liked a lot and hope to be treated. Leave me your comments and I will answer them gladly. Thank you very much for your support and friendship ...