Friday, February 4, 2011

Emerson Camera Binoculars Software

Well, I must inform you that since last night I'm home in Bilbao again after ten days in Madrid due to an operation to remove a benign tumor.
a bit short, the case is that after surgery on internal hemorrhoids in April that caused me severe anemia since the summer of 2009 (almost since I could not ride a normal bike with more than two consecutive months), when it seemed that was better (except iron, which I still maintain very low), in October, I found the above tumor, acoustic neuroma. After several tests I was informed that it is benign and which is still small, but it is better to remove it now before the years start to problems. There was radio options, but with the disadvantage that if it went wrong complicated surgery, and had the option of directly by the ear surgery, which left me deaf ear, or outside of the ear, through skull, something more complicated and cumbersome but it saved the ear. This option was chosen. Finally

operation was scheduled for January 27 in Madrid, Euskadi because this one does not work, and there was very quiet.

But it was complicated after four hours of operation, because when they were about to board the drilling inside the skull to access the tumor is found that an artery to be in there was glued to the dura mater with what they did not dare to force their separation because if it broke was a big risk that I bleed there. So

closed and later, when it is recovered, we will try again in another way, I am directed by your doctor.

The surgery was fine the first few days, but then bronchitis has given me a bad cough and fever so I spent several days with severe headache and almost in bed all the time. Now I'm better now, after a battery of antibiotics and medicines to the beast, but I have to go to the doctor for breathing to fix me finish, because I quite cough.

Next week I have to return to Madrid to review and remove the points and see if they plan the second operation.

Well, I'm very lively and much better. Let's see if I can enjoy the bike from here to the transaction. For the time will almost certainly go in May to the route of the Beacons of Menorca and in June I signed up since before surgery on a trip to Liege cyclist. Then in the summer with half Bilbaina Transpirenaica I organized in three stages.

Take care much, and thanks for all the encouragement that you sent me.


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