Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Letter From A Cousin To A Cousin

Two months and everything ok

More than a month without writing anything here, and not for any strange reason, not because I have been sick or well. Simple laziness.
Well, today just two months ago I had surgery I found a good excuse to say that I'm perfectly. Just today I passed the 1,000 km bike since I returned to training after surgery, so it's like to be happy. This week I have him get tested for anemia, and if everything goes well I think I can begin to lengthen the exits and put some port and harder.
As I'm happy I have uploaded two photos of algría and victory. One time I got to Cap de Creus after my second Transpirenaica, and the other is one of the figures of the monument to the Tour de France in the Pyrenees Highway, near Lourdes.


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