Sunday, December 19, 2010

Clipart New York State Drivers License


[Black Desire]

Get ready c'que I dragged myself at your feet
Laura, I found that even a silent
Could you push my laughter to die

Wait for me, you you 're the queen of mountains, the storm rages
You do not hear me, I am against my noisy

She has just
Enclose my heart in his apartment

With or without you I have some problems
You do not care, Laura, I'm sorry anyway
If you go there, it suits me too deposited me

Again, it is from below I call
She leans sometimes swallow nest
deign to receive me, leaves me no room to sit

It known simply
Change the keys to his heart and apartment

Get ready c'que I dragged myself at your feet
Laura, in the meantime I know the day will come when I can
die of laughter .



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