Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Work Post Wedding Breakfast Invitation

acoustic neuroma

When I begin to be recovered from the anemia that I have had a year without being able to train normally, it turns out that I still have to climb a new Tourmalet.
Well, a port Tourmalet and 3 rd.
port 3 rd is an operation to remove a varicocele. It is a simple operation that will remove me now I have from time to time in my noble parts. No big deal.
But what matters is an acoustic neuroma that I have detected through an MRI to see if there was any objective cause of hearing loss that I begin to have. Staying Going deaf is normal when you start to be higher, that is, old but not yet 47 years I played and the ENT told me to get a MRI that detected the neurinoma. This is the cause of the buzzing for months that I have in my left ear and hear less than before. It is a rare disease, 1 case in 150,000 people, and go and it falls to me. Neurinoma
The problem is that a tumor growing inside a very delicate area. Not carcinogenic, ie, not cause metastases in the adjacent tissues, but is still growing can cause serious problems and even death. That is why I have referred to a surgeon to get him removed by surgery. That operate only in Madrid and Barcelona. I'm going to Madrid. Next week I'm going to consultation and scheduled the operation, which is complicated and has certain risks.
I hope that as I have detected when still small, everything is going well and I had no sequelae, except for hearing loss that appears to be unrecoverable. I also hope to ride a bike as normal then as it is an injury that affects the balance and cycling is dangerous.
I'll tell you.


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