La Marina Mercante, cycling and the media
case you do not know, time I have been working on a doctoral thesis in Journalism, which I gather my two careers (Journalism and Marine) under the theme "The media image of the Merchant Marine in the print media."
The working hypothesis of this study is that the Merchant Navy leaves very little in the media, despite the vital importance of shipping in today's global economy, and when news comes out it is usually negative, such as shipwrecks and pollution environment as a result of a maritime accident. The more I
internal analysis of the news published on the Merchant Marine, find more similarities between this (now written this, no accent) and cycling, my favorite sport.
Cycling is a sport that is among the most prominent in the media. It is true that there are others who go out less, but are usually less followed sports that cycling and less history behind it. But that's not bad, the worse is that all news appearing in the press about cycling, a large proportion are on issues of doping, when the percentage of positives in cycling is around 1% of all analysis practiced in a season. But selling more pre-season training Real Madrid's victory in Milan-San Remo, one of the biggest races on the calendar, a English rider as Oscar Freire. Of course, everyone knows who the motorcycling world champions and soccer, but few English know that Freire has been three times world champion and has more wins than anyone in the cycling world.
In the world of the Merchant Navy something similar happens. Nobody knows that about 75% of international trade is by sea, the ships are less polluting means of transport that a Captain is a professional with a university degree behind, etc. In contrast, when a ship has a problem near the English coast, jump to the front pages of the media and the captain is accused, without even having begun research the causes of the incident, environmental pollution and have killed Manolete.
Anyway. There is a bit like being aware of an issue to realize how lax they are often the journalists to write their stories, their news and stories.
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